The Community Engagement Alliance Consultative Resource (CEACR) shares promising practices for community-engaged research with the wider research community through its publicly available webinars, fact sheets, and toolkits.
CEACR webinars promote promising practices for community-engaged research.
CEACR hosted a Speaker Series of webinars that brought together experts from academic, clinical, and community-based settings to lead discussions on inclusive participation in research. Participants nationwide have tapped into CEACR's expertise by joining these conversations live. Recordings of these sessions are available on the NIH Community Engagement Alliance (CEAL) YouTube channel and have garnered over 1,700 views.
Fact Sheets and Toolkits
CEACR collects insights from academic and community-based experts to develop fact sheets and toolkits on topics like Community Partner Compensation and Trustworthiness and Research Reciprocity, which include targeted recommendations around promising community-engaged research practices. CEACR will continue to develop and share its fact sheets and toolkits to support researchers and community organizations in their community-engaged research work.